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De Soto Caverns Park Machine Locations > Alabama

5181 De Soto Caverns Parkway
Childersburg, AL , 35044-5607

Phone: (800) 933-2283


07/02/22: The coin machine was not in the gift shop. Asked an employee about it’s location, and they had no idea about the machine’s existence. The caverns are under going a rebranding from Desoto caverns to Majestic caverns.

DeSoto Caverns Family Fun Park is a business run by a family for families. Our Caverns is unique in its beauty as well as in the significant role it has played throughout the ages. We are more than a caverns of wonder, we are also a family fun park packed with over 25 activities for all ages.

Machine 1 is a dime smasher (Desoto Caverns Park design and verbiage) which is a mule. Is in the gift shop. Design is:
1) Desoto Caverns Park design and verbiage

Retired machines/ designs:
Retired 2: 1) 'Happy Hernando'
Retired 3: 1) Guardian Angel, 2) Lucky Penny, 3) I Love You, 4) Best Friends
Retired 4: (Quarter) 1) Cave Logo, 2) Image of cave, 3) Rock formation, 4) 'Happy Hernando.

3-22-19 Machines 2, 3, and 4 have been removed.

Machine 1

Retired 2

Retired 3

Retired 4