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Hogback Mountain Scenic Lookout Machine Locations > Vermont

7627 Vermont Route 9
Wilmington, VT , 05363

Phone: 802-464-5494


They will make and mail their pennies. Write or call the Hogback Mountain Gift Shop. I called them and talked to a very nice man named Ed. He was happy to make and mail me all 4 Designs and he did.

Machine 1: By the Front door. Designs are:
1) 'Vermont, Green mountain State', image of state,
2) 'Sothern Vermont Natural history Museum', bird on a branch,
3) 'Hogback Mountain Marlboro, Vermont', area,
4) 'Vermont', Moose.

Machine 2 has 4 Designs. It is right next to the 1st Machine:
1) Snowboarder
2) Teddy Bear
3) Moose
4) Maple Leaf.

They added Penny Books for sale and were sold out because of the Labor Day Weekend.

10/14/2024-Both machines pressing nicely on coppers. CLH TEC #4871

Machine 1

Machine 2

Penny Book