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City Gate Plaza - BIN 39 Wine Bar Machine Locations > Florida

4 Saint George Street Suite 101
St. Augustine, FL , 32084-3690

Phone: (904) 825-1972


BIN 39's catalog includes over 100 bottles featuring vineyards from all around the world. Guests not only get to enjoy delicious glasses of wine, but also are provided with live musical entertainment in the beautiful fountain courtyard. Sit down, unwind, snack on one of their light bites or charcuterie boards, all while listening to St. Augustine's finest local musicians.

Hours of operation: Monday through Sunday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. This penny machine is secured to the building wall and may be available 24 hours.

The Historic Downtown Parking Facility (1 Cordova Street) is immediately adjacent to the Visitors center: $20 per vehicle, per entry, during peak times (7:00 am to 5:00 pm) or $5 per vehicle, per entry, during off-peak times (5:00 pm to 9:00 pm). From this garage you can easily walk to all the penny machines on Saint George street, Potters Wax Museum, City Gate Plaza, Ripley's, Old Town Trolley Welcome center, Flagler college and Artsy Abode Boutique.

Pressing note: Be sure to let the machine stop fully before putting in a new dollar or it will steal your money. Strongly suggest to use this machine before 1:00 pm. Musicians set up right in front of this machine and make it very difficult to use.

Machine 4: is outside BIN 39 wine bar within the City Gate Plaza courtyard on the east side of building 4 next to the ATM and Zultan machine. Building 4 is on the southeast corner of the intersection of Spanish Street & Orange Street. Cost to press: $1.00 each design (dollar bills only; no quarters accepted) that presses a pre-loaded zinc penny. Designs all have "HM" at the tail and a beaded border with 'St. Augustine':
1. (H) The old city gate entrance with 'The Old City Gate FL'.
2. (V) Chief Saturiwa with 'Chief Saturiwa FL'.
3. (V) Pirate with 'Blackbeard Florida'.
4. (V) Spanish sailing ship with 'Florida'.

Retired Machines:

Retired 1 design had a beaded border: 1. (V) Cannon in front of guard tower at Castillo de San Marcos with 'Castillo de San Marcos, St Augustine, FL'.
Retired 2 design had a beaded border: 1. (H) The old city gate entrance with 'The Old City Gate St Augustine, FL'.
Retired 3 designs all had 'JD' at the catch notch and 'St Augustine Florida' on them: 1. (H) Fort Castillo de San Marcos with 'Castillo De San Marcos', 2. (V) St. Augustine Lighthouse with 'Lighthouse', 3. (V) Old wood building with 'Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse', 4. (H) Alligator.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: 29° 53' 52" Longitude: 81° 18' 50" W
Google Maps coordinates: VMXP+29 St. Augustine, Florida

2/24/25: Still outside the business. Zinc pennies rolling shorter than pictured. For $1 each, they should be perfect. JLT

Machine 4 - Outside iin front of BIN 39 Wine Bar

Retired 3 (Same designs as Old Town Trolley Welcome Center)

Retired 1

Retired 2