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Souvenirs Cadeaux Machine Locations > France

Place Edmond Desailloud / Rue du Lyret
Chamonix, France

12/31/14: Gone.

The Chamonix Valley is nestled between the towering Mont Blanc range to the south and the Aiguilles Rouges Mountains to the north. It’s the place where the first Winter Olympic Games were ever held. It also offers the longest cable railway in the world. Chamonix is a close distance to the highest peak in Europe - Mont Blanc 15,771 feet in height.

Three retired designs. All have "Chanmonix Mont Blanc" on the front with a border that starts with PR and then a series of dots.
1. (H) Two hikers with Mont Blanc in the background.
2. (H) An electric train on a bridge next to the river.
3. (H) The Aiguillie du Midi cable car.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude, Longitude 45.918513,6.869239<

Inside of second entrance