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Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park - Gold Discovery Museum Machine Locations > California

310 Back St.
Coloma, CA , 95613

Phone: (530) 622-3470


Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park is a state park marking the discovery of gold by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in 1848, sparking the California Gold Rush. The park grounds include much of the historic town of Coloma, which is now considered a ghost town as well as a National Historic Landmark District. The park contains two California Historical Landmarks: a monument to commemorate James Marshall and the actual spot where he first discovered gold in 1848 Established in 1942, the park now comprises 576 acres.

The machine is stored in the gift shop when it is closed, then moved outside after the shop opens at 10 a.m.

Machine 1: Located at the Gold Discovery Museum/Visitor Center gift shop. Outside the gift shop after it opens. Designs are:
1) Gold Panner imprint - Coloma California,
2) James Marshall imprint - Marshal Gold Discovery SHP,
3) Sutter Mill imprint - Sutter's Mill January 24, 1848

Gold Discovery Museum/Visitor Center Gift Shop- P.O. Box 265

9/6/24: two designs are rolling ok, gold panner design is not aligned at all - couldn’t get a complete roll

Machine 1

Penny Book