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Mill Mountain Zoo Machine Locations > Virginia

Walnut Rd (Mill Mountain Park, atop Mill Mountain)
Roanoke, VA , 24034

Phone: (540) 343-3241


The Mill Mountain Zoo is a zoo located atop Mill Mountain in Roanoke. The zoo is operated by the non-profit Blue Ridge Zoological Society (BRZS). The zoo is host to 85 animals and 35 different species, including two species on the endangered list, the Red Panda and Snow Leopard. It is constantly undergoing changes with a variety of species being added including the opening of an interactive aviary in 2008 and a reptile house in 2009. Some of the favorite attractions are "Bo" the very loveable Wolverine, Nina the Cougar, Tasha (who died at a very old age recently) and Boris the gorgeous Snow Leopards, Nova the Red Panda who was later joined by Takeo (Sophia, MMZ's Red Panda who was sent for breeding at the Denver Zoo), and the ever funny Japanese Macaques-Richard, Mom, and Oops. Recent additions are Red Wolves, Cinereous Vultures, a Canadian Lynx, four Asian Short Clawed Otters, and Pallas's Cats (will be out once an exhibit is built).

Hours 10-5 daily with the last admission at 4 pm.

Machine 3: ???
Need scan/ photo of designs on a plain white background.

Retired 2: 1) Red Panda, 2) Snow Leopard, 3) Eastern Screech Owl, 4) Red-Kneed Tarantula
Retired 1: 1) Prairie Dog, 2) Lemur, 3) Tiger, 4) Lion's head.

11/13: Pennyman machine 2 was added here. Machine 1 was Retired.

01/25: Machine 2 retired, reported that a new machine was placed, have not confirmed that yet.

Machine 3 - New Jan 2025

Retired 1 Nov 2013

Retired 2 (2013)