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Modelleisenbahn Miniatur Wunderland Machine Locations > Germany

Kehrwieder 2, Block D
Hamburg, Germany, 20457

Smashes a German 5 cent coin. This location is the world´s biggest model railway museum near the USA layout. A second design (not pictured) is a silhouette of a steam locomotive with the words "Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg".

Entry is €15 adult, €7.50 child (tickets purchased on 2nd floor).

Machine 2: There are now three designs at 1,05 per coin:
1) Train.
2) Train
3) Logo/name has been updated to say 2016.

10/20/16 There is still a machine at the top of the stairs on the fourth floor, between America and middle Deutschland. There are now two designs of trains and the logo/name has been updated to say 2016. Given that it's dated, they must change that design each year. Machine takes 1,05 per coin.

Machine 2 (2016)

Retired 1