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March Field Air Museum / March A R B Machine Locations > California

22550 Van Buren Boulevard
Riverside, CA , 92518-2400

Phone: (951) 902-5949


The March Field Air Museum is an aviation museum near Moreno Valley and Riverside adjacent to March Air Reserve Base. The museum was founded in 1979 as March Air Force Base Museum. Originally operated by the Air Force, the museum's operation was transferred to a nonprofit organization in 1996. The museum has over 70 aircraft on display

Hours of operation: Tuesday through Sunday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Closed Mondays.
Admission cost: $18.00 for 12 years of age and up, $10.00 for 5 to 11 years old, free for 4 years and under, and free for Active Duty Military and Reserves with DOD ID card.
Plenty of free parking. Use the Van Buren exit from Interstate 215. The museum is not on the Air Force Base.

One design available that costs 50 cents. It is inside the gift shop, which is around the corner from the visitor desk after entry. No admission charge for the gift shop. Design is:
1. (H) Side view of an SR-71 with 'SR-71'.

Medallion for purchase in Gift Shop:
1) 'March Field Air Museum/ Rear- 'Heavy Bombers MFAM'.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N33° 52' 58.1082" Longitude: W117° 15' 59.8536"

1/12/2025 Out of Order — Jacobi Jefferson, Denton, TX

In the gift shop

Token for Purchase