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Dohany Street Synagogue Machine Locations > Hungary

1074 Budapest, Dohány u. 2.
Budapest, Hungary

Phone: +36-1-343-0420


29/08/2021 The machine is gone.

The Dohány Street Synagogue also known as The Great Synagogue or Tabakgasse Synagogue, is a historical building in Erzsébetváros, the 7th district of Budapest. It is the largest synagogue in Europe and one of the largest in the world. It seats 3,000 people and is a centre of Neolog Judaism. The synagogue was built between 1854 and 1859 in the Moorish Revival style, with the decoration based chiefly on Islamic models from North Africa and medieval Spain (the Alhambra).

The machine is located inside the fence adjacent to the main entrance. You must pay admission to use the machine.

The machine operates on two 100 Forint coins and a 5 cent Forint coin. It makes a good press on the designs. They are:
1) (H) The Tree Memorial dedicated to Hungarian Jewish Martyrs and says Budapest on the bottom.
2) (H) The Synagogue with Synagogue Budapest written on top.
3) (V) The Synagogue with Budapest Zsinagoga written on top.
4) (V) The Synagogue with Budapest written on the bottom.

GPS: Lat: 47.4957339 Long: 19.0594956

Machine 1