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Cannery Row - Five & Dime General Store Machine Locations > California

685 Cannery Row #113
Monterey, CA


Our Five & Dime General Stores are reminiscent of an old five and dime or five and ten cent store. Five & Dime stores carry souvenirs, cold drinks, band-aids, sunglasses, snacks, toys, non-prescription drugs, sunscreen, cosmetics, office supplies, school supplies, batteries, post cards, tote bags, hats, tourist items, clothing items, travel items and everyday convenience store necessities.

Machine 3 right at the main entrance. (From Downtown Alvarado Mall - CandyLand 2 & other places)
1) 'Greetings from Cannery Row' (H),
2) 'I left my heart in Monterey', Otter in heart (V),
3) 'Monterey Bay, California', Pirate (V),
4) 'Monterey Bay, California', Lone Cypress (V).

Retired machines:

Retired 1: 1) Sea Otter, 2) Shark, 3) Turtle.
Retired 2 (from Sea Otter Shirts on Cannery Row): 1) Otter, 2) Open Sardine Can, 3) Shark, 4) 'Greetings From Monterey, California'

From Cannery Row Steinbeck Plaza & Downtown Alvarado Mall - CandyLand 2 & other places

2/3/2025: Machine 3 works great

Machine 3 - From Cannery Row Steinbeck Plaza & Downtown Alvarado Mall - CandyLand 2 & other places

Retired 1 & 2