2475 Grand Blvd. Kansas City, MO , 64108 Website The penny machine is just outside of the elevator doors from LegoLand into the gift shop. You can access it through the gates from the gift shop. The medallion machine is up inside of LegoLand next to the Ninjago Laser. No admission fee required for entering the gift shop.
Designs are:
1) Punk Rock Star with Guitar,
2) Pirate Captain,
3) Robot,
4) Man with cement mixer.
Token Machine 1 (2019) designs are:
1) Punk Rock Star with Guitar
2) Cheerleader,
3) Race car,
4) Soccer player with trophy.
Rears all have Legoland Discovery Center logo.
4/12: Penny collector 4 design hand crank machine added
3/19: Token Machine 1 added here. GSY
9/02/2024 In gift shop right before you walk out. Card only 4 pennies to collect.
How do the designs look??? Long, short, off-center, full rolls??? |