- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Jungfraujoch Machine Locations > Switzerland

Martin und Brigitte Soche
Eigergletscher, Switzerland, 3823

Phone: +41 (0)33 828 72 33

By the souvenir counter in the observation building.

There are now three machines with one contains two designs and two containing four. However, only four of the designs are unique.

Need a scan/ photo of designs in Machines 2, 3 and Retired 4, one scan/ photo per machine, on a plain white background.

Machine 1:
1) Man on Zip Line/ Rear- Gorilla
2) I Love You'/ Rear- German WWII fighter
3) Winteregg - Mu.....', Rear- Building.

Machine 2:
1) ????,
2) ????

Machine 3:
1) ????,
2) ????,
3) ????
4) ????.

Retired 4:
1) 'Top of Europe, Jungfraujoch - Suisse', building

As of June 2018, there are only 3 machines. Two are side by side near the souvenir shop, the third is a few feet away.

23/12/2019: How much do the brown souvenir pennies of machine 1 cost? Which coins do we use specifically

5/04/24: ????

Machine 1 - near the souvenier shop

Machine 2 - near the souvenier shop

Machine 3 - A few feet away from the Souviner Shop

Retired 4