100 Abegweit Dr PEI - Borden - Carleton, Canada Located in the heart of Gateway Village just off the Confederation Bridge, the Borden-Carleton Visitor Information Centre is the perfect place to start your memorable Island vacation. Our dedicated vacation planners are waiting to help you make the most of your PEI vacation. Accommodation/activity reservations made on site.
Coming from New Brunswick, a toll is not charged. To get off PEI, though, the toll for this 8 mile long bridge was $41.50 Canadian dollars in 2008. The toll plaza is on the PEI Side. Another contributor notes you might be able to go to the Information Centre and cross back to New Brunswick without paying the toll, but I did not keep track of this possible loophole!
Machine 3:
1) 'Confederation Bridge', image of the bridge.
Retired 1: 1) 'Confederation Bridge, Prince Edward Island', (The Bridge that connects Prince Edward Island to New Brunswick) 2) Prince Edward Island Canada', image of Island, 3) 'Ann of Green Gables, Prince Edward Island', 4) 'Birth Place of Canada, Charlottetown, PEI, Province House',
GPS N46° 15.306 W063° 41.724
19/07/23: Machine is back with a single penny, see machine 3